Bali Butterfly Park is natural looking with hundreds and colorful butterfly are released to flying everyday, and among of them are famous species of the world suck as Spectacular Bird Wing Butterfly (Ornithoptera and Troides) Swallow tails and great mormon (Papilio). The butterflies are one of the natural riches which can be found in every part and corner of Indonesian archhipelago. Visit Bali Butterfly Park is the opportunity to encounter rare and endemic species from all of that part.
Bali Butterfly Park is the olnly centre for breeding and preservation of, and research into butterflies for educational and scientific purpose. Located in Jl.Batukaru, Br.Sandan lebah, Wanasari vilage, Tabanan Regency, approximately 35 Km.western of Denpasar, or 6 the north from Tabanan centre City. Open daily 08.00 am up to 05.00 pm, last entry 04.00 pm. Dont miss to see the mystery of nature !